Human Resources Information & Forms
Information for Teachers
Need a Substitute?
The Fremont Union High School District utilizes an automated service called AESOP (Automated Educational Substitute Operator) that simplifies and streamlines the process of recording absences and finding substitutes.
The AESOP service is available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You may interact with the system either on the Internet or by way of a toll-free automated phone line.
To enter an absence and request a substitute, please visit the AESOP website. On the website, you will be able to enter absences, check your absence schedule, update personal information, and exercise other features. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments; please feel free to contact Gracie Charon at the District Office at (408) 522-2229 or
To reach AESOP via phone, simply dial 1-800-942-3767. You will be prompted to enter your Identification (ID) and PIN numbers, so please have those ready. For most teachers, your ID number is your personal phone number. If you are not sure of your ID and PIN numbers, please contact the substitute coordinator at your site. (Please notify the District Office if your identification number is not correct.) Once you are logged in the system, you will be given prompts for the various menu choices.
Please note: when you access the AESOP system over the phone for the first time, it is very important that you record your name and assignment for substitutes to hear. Please keep in mind that only your name and assignment should be recorded, (e.g. John Doe, Chemistry) as AESOP will play this recording to potential substitutes for all future absences you register. You will not be asked to record this information each time you register an absence.
*When entering an absence, please wait until you receive a confirmation number before you terminate the phone call. Your transaction is not complete until you receive a confirmation number.
Salary Movement
Timeline for Horizontal Movement on the Salary Schedule
For Movement Effective: | Applies to Units Earned by: | Official, Sealed Transcripts Due by: |
First Semester (Sept. 1) |
Sept. 1 | November 1 — (If all transcripts are received by September 1, Movement will be reflected on September's end of the month pay warrant. Otherwise, movement will be reflected on November's end of the month pay warrant, with a retro to September 1.) |
Second Semester (Feb. 1) |
Feb. 1 |
March 1 — (All Movement will be reflected on March's end of the month pay warrant, with a retro to February 1. |
STRS Retirement
STRS recommends that members meet with a regional counselor on at least three occasions. A mid-career appointment should be scheduled once a member reaches five years of service credit. The second appointment is recommended at or near the age of 55 or at the time the member reaches 30 years of service credit, for pre-election of an option. At least three months prior to the actual retirement date, the member is advised to schedule the final appointment.
STRS Public Service: 1 (800) 228-5453 or (916) 229-3870
STRS Teletalk: 1 (800) 222-8844 or (916) 229-8844
For the hearing impaired STRS TDD: (916) 229-3541
For additional information please visit the CalSTRS website.
To calculate your retirement benefits, use the CalSTRS Calculators.
Review the CalSTRS Retirement Guide for more information.
Information for Classified Staff
Work Year Calendars
Salary Movement
How Classified Pay is Calculated
When are Classified Employees Paid?
Employees are paid once per month on the last day of the month. If this falls on a Saturday, you are paid the Friday before. If it falls on a Sunday, you are paid the Monday after.
- Employees who are hired between the first of the month and the 15th will be paid at the end of that month.
- Employees who are hired after the 15th will not be paid until the end of the next month.
TWELVE Month Classified Employees
Twelve month employees are paid an equal amount, less deductions, at the end of each of the twelve months.
ELEVEN Month Classified Employees
Eleven month employees are paid an equal monthly amount, less deductions, at the end of the months from August through June. They do not receive a paycheck for July.
Ten Month Classified Employees
Salaries are based on 10 months of pay per year and adjusted for the months of August and June. Ten month employees are paid in 10 equal payments from September to June. They are not paid during the months of July and August. Any days worked in August are paid throughout the September to June paychecks. For example, to determine your pay for each month, take the first day of work in August to the last day of work in June. This number of days worked will be divided by 10 to get 10 equal paychecks for September through June.
If You are Hired after Your Normal Work Year Begins
If you are hired after your normal work year would begin your pay is prorated by the number of days missed. For example, if you are an 11 month employee hired August 8. The regular work year for this position would start the 1st or 2nd of August. You would receive a paycheck at the end of August, but your first month’s pay would be adjusted to minus the work days missed. If you are an 11 month employee hired August 24 you would not receive a paycheck at the end of August, but would get a full paycheck for September plus the days worked from August.
Deferred Pay Options for 10 & 11 Month Employees
Deferred Pay Option forms can be used to split 11 and 10 months employees pay into 12 equal installments. This will spread the annual salary over 12 months rather than 10 or 11 resulting in smaller paychecks each month. These forms are available from either Payroll or Human Resources.
How to Calculate Your Pay
To calculate your monthly and annual salary from your hourly rate, take the number of work days, plus the number of holidays for the total paid days per year. Divide by the number of months you work, and then multiply by the number of hours per day. This gives you the average number of paid hours per month. Multiply this by your hourly rate to get your gross per month. Multiply this by the number of months you work for your annual salary. Salary charts are available at your school sites and also on the HR web pages.
- Paid days = work days + holidays (ex. 225 work days + 14 holidays = 239 paid days/year)
- Daily Rate = hourly rate x # of hours or work hrs per day (ex.$18.00 x 8 hours = $144.00/day)
- Annual salary= daily rate x paid days (ex. $144.00 x 239 = $34,416.00)
- Monthly salary= annual salary divided by # of work months (ex. $34,416.00 / 11 = $3,128.73/month)
How Classified Increments and Longevity are calculated
Classified Increments and Longevity are driven by the anniversary date of the employee’s hire date.
Hire dates are adjusted by any periods of non-paid status that exceed more than 10 days in one month. Each such period advances the anniversary of the hire date by one month.
Classified longevity is determined by the anniversary of the hire date, after adjustments for unpaid periods.
Classified annual step increases are determined by the one-year anniversary date of the current position, less any periods of unpaid status.
- Hire date = 1/1/02, no unpaid periods, no position changes.
- Anniversary date = 1/1/02 for both step increases and longevity.
- Hire date = 1/1/02, - 30 days unpaid status over three months.
- Anniversary date = 4/1/02, used for both step increases and longevity.
- Hire date = 1/1/02, no unpaid periods, but promoted on 3/1/04. Hire date of 1/1/02 = anniversary date for longevity. Current position date of 3/1/04 = anniversary date for step increases.
- Hire date = 1/1/02, - 30 days unpaid status over three months during 02-03 school year. Employee promoted on 3/1/04.
- Anniversary date = 4/1/02 for longevity.
- Current position date of 3/1/04 = anniversary date for step increases.
- Hire date = 1/1/02. Employee promoted on 3/1/04. - 30 days unpaid status over three months during 04-05 school year. Both Hire date and current position date are advanced by three months which affects both longevity and step increments.
PERS Retirement
Fremont Union High School District Classified Employees who work more than 4 hours per day are automatically enrolled into the CalPERS program. The 7% contribution is fully paid by the District and constitutes one of the most important Classified Employee benefits. Through the CalPERS website employees are able to access their account information. Using the PERSonal Access is the doorway to online services. If you have a PIN number, you can view your latest Annual Member Statement, do a personalized retirement estimate, request an official estimate from CalPERS, register for one of our free retirement planning workshops or seminars, change your address, and more.
- CalPERS Website: Information about your retirement and financial planning
- Cal PERS 457 Plan: Information about TSAs and Forms
Forms & Tools
- Forms for All Staff
- Forms for Certificated Staff
- Forms for Classified Staff
- Vacation Change Request Forms (For Classified Staff Only)
- Forms for Administrators
- Forms for Leaves of Absence
- Forms for Worker's Compensation
Forms for All Staff
Forms for Certificated Staff
Forms for Classified Staff
Vacation Change Request Forms (For Classified Staff Only)
Forms for Administrators
- Classified Personnel Action Request Form (PARF)
- Certificated Personnel Action Request Form (PARF)
- Student Worker Packet
Management Work Calendars
- Certificated Management Calendar
- 12 Month Classified Management Calendar
- 11 Month Classified Management Calendar
- Management Calendar Instructions
Evaluation Forms
- Administrator Evaluation Form
- Administrator Self Evaluation Form
- Athletic Trainer Evaluation Form
- Certificated Psych Evaluation Form
- Certificated Speech Language Pathologist Evaluation Form
- Certificated Annual Conference Form
- Certificated School Counselor Evaluation Form
- Certificated Teacher Observation Report
- Certificated Teacher Summary Evaluation Form
- Certificated Teacher Librarian Evaluation Form
- Classified Evaluation Form (CSEA)
- Supervisory Evaluation Form
Useful Links for Administrators
National | State | |
County | ||
Forms for Leaves of Absence
Forms for Worker's Compensation
Below are the updated contracts with our employee unions. Please click on the desired contract to view an Adobe .pdf version. To ease your navigation, just click on any item in the table of contents to jump directly to that section. You may also use the search tool to find specific items.
- AFT Contract
- CSEA Contract
- MOU on Transition Services (Oct. 2024)
- MOU on Behavior Specialists Supervision and Compensation (Aug. 2024)
- MOU on Para Educator DT and Para Educator RBT Stipends (June 2024)
- MOU on Education Code 45102 (June 2024)
- MOU on Reclassification (April 2024)
- FEA Contract