For staff and students who are graduating or leaving the district, your FUHSD Google account will be deactivated and you will no longer have access to any data you have stored in it. If you would like to save any of your data, content or work, you will need to take a few steps to make sure you keep it. There are two ways to save docs and data from your FUHSD Google account.
Method 1: By entire account (Google TAKEOUT)
f you have lots of data, many documents or just want to keep all the work you’ve done, you can download your entire account using Google Takeout (video). More information about transferring your data (to yourself or another account) can be found at Google's Support Page.
The benefit of this method is that you can download your entire account with a few clicks. It’s the easiest method.
The drawback is that the process only works for documents, not photos or videos. It may also include lots of documents you no longer require. You also need to have an external Google (gmail) account to receive your data.
To use Google Transfer, visit the Google Transfer page. You can also view this short video explaining the process.
Method 2: By individual document (share and copy)
If you only have a few projects, presentations or papers you’d like to keep, this is the best choice. You can share the document with an outside personal Google account, and make a copy of the shared document that will be owned by your personal account.
The benefits of this method are that you keep the documents in the same Google docs format that you created them in and you personal account only receives the documents that you select. The drawback is that this process must be repeated for every document you want to keep.
You can view this short video explaining the process.
For departing staff and students who are withdrawing, your accounts will be deactivated on your last day. For graduating seniors, your accounts will be deactivated on the day after graduation. Please contact your school library media teacher or library staff with any questions.