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Employee Privilege Transfers

Employees of FUHSD, CUSD or SSD that wish to apply for an Employee Privilege Inter District Transfer to the Fremont Union High School District, must complete the following:

  1. Complete the on-line Employee Privilege Request form
  • Attach an approved copy of submitted Inter District Transfer Permit from your resident school district
    (this can take weeks, so we will start the registration process as you wait)
  • Attach proof of full-time status as employee of CUSD or SSD (Do not do this if you are an FUHSD employee)
    • Full time is 6 hours per day or 30 hours per week
    • Contact the Enrollment Office if you have a special circumstance
  1. Once Employee Privilege Request form is approved by the Enrollment Office, go to the Enrollment Office website and follow instructions for completing the on-line process for new student enrollment: www.fuhsd.org/enrollment
    Please allow 1-2 weeks for these forms to be processed.
  2. Final Step – Follow procedures for submitting approved Inter District Transfer Permit from resident school district, as outlined on the Interdistrict Transfer section of the website.

    If you already live within the FUHSD boundaries but would like an employee privilege request to attend another school within FUHSD, then there is no need to complete an IDT form.

Before applying, please consider the following policies/guidelines:

  • The Employee Privilege Inter District transfers are only good for one school year
  • Your student must remain in good academic standing, which includes good attendance and behavior/discipline in order to be eligible for a transfer the following year
  • Once placed at the available high school of your choice, further transfers will not be approved
  • The Employee Privilege and IDT process must be completed each year your wish your child to attend an FUHSD school

Special programs or learning needs:

  • If it is determined that your student needs special programs, services or learning environment, the district may need to place the student at a school other than the one you request - these services include, but are not limited to, Special Education, therapeutic support and English Language Learner support
  • All placement decisions will be determined by District staff and can change each year, based upon student needs

Employee Privilege Requests must be submitted between January 25 and April 30 for the following school year, in order to receive your first choice of school.  After April 30, schools may be closed due to enrollment and staffing obligations.