Business Services
Business Services is responsible for the fiscal integrity of the general fund and all other school funds. The Business Office is committed to supporting the success of all students by maintaining fiscal solvency and transparency, facilitating a well equipped learning environment and managing resources through prudent operational management. Other areas of Business Services responsibility include Maintenance and Operations, Facilities Use, School Safety, the Bond Program, Food Services and Enrollment and Residency.
- Staff Directory
- Development Impact Fees
- Parcel Tax
- Contractor Prequalification
- RFP/RFQ/Bids
- Budget Presentations & Documents
- Prior Year Financial Reports
- Prop 30/55: Education Protection Account
- Staff Forms
Staff Directory
Name | Title/Service Area | Phone |
Christine Mallery | CBO/Associate Superintendent | (408) 522-2245 |
Executive Assistant to the CBO | (408) 522-2212 | |
Jenina Moreno | Director, Business & Fiscal Services | (408) 522-2286 |
Shannon Wang | Manager of Finance | (408) 522-2248 |
Rick Magana | Manager, Business Services | (408) 522-2217 |
Payroll |
Espie Rivera | Payroll | (408) 522-2221 |
Lalaine Macapagal | Payroll | (408) 522-2224 |
Lisa Balga | Payroll | (408) 522-2213 |
Treesy Ngo | Payroll | (408) 522-2278 |
Benefits | ||
Matt Bryant | Benefits | (408) 522-2214 |
Accounting | ||
Donna Buenaventura | Accountant | (408) 522-2211 |
Sherill Panelo | Accountant/Bond | (408) 522-2295 |
Lauren Severson | Bond Accounting Support Clerk | (408) 522-2259 |
Caroline Perez | Attendance/Billing | (408) 522-2219 |
Avelina Pabingwit | Categorial Programs | (408) 522-2223 |
Tran Quach | Reimbursements | (408) 522-2273 |
Purchasing | ||
Ruth Sandoval | Purchasing Agent | (408) 522-2218 |
Jiahui Li | Purchasing Specialist | (408) 522-2215 |
Accounts Payable | ||
Sarah Garcia | Accounts Payable (A-G) | (408) 522-2257 |
Emily Quan |
Accounts Payable (H-J) |
(408) 522-2247 |
Grace Perez |
Accounts Payable (K-Z) |
(408) 522-2220 |
Transportation JPA | ||
Rick Magana | Manager of Business Services | (408) 522-2217 |
Development Impact Fees
On January 1, 1987, AB 2926 (Chapter 887) was enacted which requires that school districts pay a share of the cost of school construction based on the square footage of residential, commercial and industrial construction taking place within their districts. The law commissions school districts to levy a Developer Impact Fee for this purpose, establishes the maximum rate of the fees, and prohibits building permit authorities from issuing building permits without certification from the school district that fee requirements have been met.
On October 2, 1989, AB 181 established exclusions as follows:
- Additions to existing homes of 500 square feet or less of assessable space (if addition exceeds 500 sq.ft. entire square footage is charged)
- Any building used exclusively as a private full-time day school as described in Education Code Section 48222
- Any building owned and occupied by an agency of federal, state or local government
Current Development Impact Fees
The rates listed below took effect on June 6, 2020 and will remain in effect until new rates are published. All rates published are represented in $ Per Square Foot.
Gov’t. Code 65995.1* |
$0.31 |
$0.32 |
All Other Residential |
$2.07 |
$1.96 |
Parking Structures |
$0.01 |
$0.01 |
Self-storage |
$0.03 |
$0.03 |
All Other Types: Retail, Lodging, Warehouse, Schools, Shopping Centers, Hospital, Banks, Business Offices, Theaters, Medical Offices, Auto Repair and more. |
$0.34 |
$0.32 |
* Gov’t. Code 65995.1 specifically defines categories of “agricultural migrant worker housing” and “residential care facilities for the elderly” for which there is special treatment.
Assessable Square Footage
Section 65995 (b)(1) and (b)(2) of the California Gov’t. Code states that the amount of the square footage within the perimeter of a residential, commercial or industrial structure shall be calculated by the building department of the city or county issuing the building permit, in accordance with the standard practice of that city or county in calculating structural perimeters.
Refunds will only be issued upon written request, and proof that the building permit for the project has expired without the commencement of any construction. Any refund requests older than 1 year, must provide a copy of original receipt. A $75 administration fee will be charged for all refunds. A $75 administration fee will be charged for all refunds.
- 2024-2025 Developer Fee Schedule (Effective Aug. 12, 2024)
- FUHSD Developer Fee Study 2024
- Development Impact Fee Schedule (Effective July 1, 2022)
- Development Impact Fee Justification Report 2022
- Development Impact Fee Justification Report 2018
- Board Resolution on Impact Fees
- Summary of Fund Balance & 2022-2023 Unaudited Actuals Fund 25
- District Boundary Map
Demolition Offsets
Offsets/credits will be provided for single-family residential demolition (part or full) for construction. Only single building residential projects qualify for offsets. All demolition must be part of the current project by the current owner. Commercial/Industrial demolition or construction do not qualify for demolition offsets.
Tran Quach:, (408) 522-2273
Parcel Tax
For information on the Parcel Tax and Parcel Tax exemptions, visit the Parcel Tax webpage.
Contractor Prequalification
California Assembly Bill (AB) 1565 went into effect on January 1, 2014. AB 1565 requires ALL General Contractors and M/E/P Subcontractors be prequalified, if the project is valued at $1,000,000 or more and funded in whole or in part with State Facility Bond funds, per:
Public Contract Code 20111.5 enables districts to require prime contractors to be prequalified prior to accepting bids.
Public Contract Code 20111.6 requires the district to do so for certain projects. This applies to prime contractors and MEP sub-contractors with the following licenses:
- General Contractors (A and B), Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing subcontractors (C-4, C-7, C-10, C-16, C-20, C-34, C-36, C-38, C-42, C-43, and C-46)
- The District must receive complete applications at least ten (10) business days prior to the scheduled bid opening on any advertised project in order for the candidate to qualify for a project in excess of $1,000,000 and partially funded by the State. Pre-qualification approval will remain valid for one (1) calendar year from the date of notice of qualification except as noted in the pre-qualification documents.
Additionally, the Fremont Union High School District requires any contractors doing any work on any of our campuses be prequalified.
The District uses the following process to prequalify contractors:
- Contractor completes a questionnaire using QualityBidders, a web-based tool. The application is automatically scored. Questions receive a maximum of 5 points each. General contractors can receive a maximum of 135 points, subcontractors a maximum of 70 points. Applicants must score 75% in order to proceed to the next step.
- The District checks contractor references by sending a weighted questionnaire (130 points maximum) by email to the contacts supplied in QualityBidders. The District requires three (3) responses with scores greater than or equal to 78 points in order to proceed to the next step. If a response scores greater than 60 but less than 78, the District will request another reference until we have three responses greater than or equal to 78. Any response that scores less than or equal to 60 points, will automatically cause the contractor's application to be rejected.
- The District will review all information in the QualityBidders application along with the references to determine if the contractor should be approved.
Contractors must declare, under penalty of perjury, that submitted information is true. Submitted questionnaires and financial statements are not public records and shall not be open to the public.
Please follow the steps below to sign up and submit your application:
- Go to the Quality Bidders Website.
- Read the Contractor Instructions, then create an account by clicking on the green "Sign Up" at the top of the page
- Complete the application and provide the documentation that is required
- Select the Fremont Union High School District on Step 5
- Once you have been approved by the District, you will receive an email indicating your approval expiration date and limit
If you have any questions regarding the process, please contact Faith Severson at or 408-522-2233. You may also contact Colbi Technologies at or 714-505-9544 with questions regarding the website or for technical support.
Thank you for your interest in prequalifying and working with the Fremont Union High School District.
Approved Contractor Report
For all approved contractors, view the FUHSD Approved Contractor List.
Appeals Process
A contractor may appeal a prequalification rejection if he/she believes that the rejection was inconsistent with Fremont Union High School District Board policy or was not in compliance with law. The protest must be filed in writing with the Superintendent or designee within five working days after receipt of notification of the rejection. The contractor shall submit all documents supporting or justifying the protest. A contractor's failure to file a protest document in a timely manner shall constitute a waiver of his/her right to protest the rejection.
The Superintendent or designee shall review the documents submitted with the contractor's claims and render a decision in writing within 30 working days. The Superintendent or designee may also convene a meeting with the contractor in order to attempt to resolve the problem.
Please visit the Nutrition Services Page for all RFP/RFQ/Bid information.
Budget Presentations & Documents
2024-25 BUDGETs
2023-24 BUDGETS
- 2023-24 Second Interim Budget
- 2023-24 Second Interim Budget Presentation
- 2023-24 First Interim Budget
- 2023-24 First Interim Budget Presentation
- 2023-24 Adoption Budget Report
- 2023-24 Adoption Budget Presentation
2022-23 Budgets
Prior Year Financial Reports
Prop 30/55: Education Protection Account
As a condition of receiving Proposition 30 and Proposition 55 - Education Protection Account (EPA) funds, the Governing Board of each school district must approve a spending plan during a public meeting. Each year, the district must also publish on its website an accounting of how much money was received from the EPA and how funds were expended.
- Board Resolution Memorandum
- Board Resolution on EPA Funds
- EPA Expenditure Report 2012-13
- EPA Expenditure Report 2013-14
- EPA Expenditure Report 2014-15
- EPA Expenditure Report 2015-16
- EPA Expenditure Report 2016-17
- EPA Expenditure Report 2017-18
- EPA Expenditure Report 2018-19
- EPA Expenditure Report 2019-20
- EPA Expenditure Report 2020-21
- EPA Expenditure Report 2021-22
- EPA Expenditure Report 2022-23
- EPA Expenditure Report 2023-24
Staff Forms
For Business Services forms, visit the Business Services Forms page in the Staff Portal.