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Previous Bonds

Measure K (2014)

On November 4, 2014, voters in the Fremont Union High School District passed Measure K, a $295 million school bond, by a vote of 64.84%. The bond was passed to avoid overcrowding at the District's five high schools by building the new classrooms and facilities needed to serve a growing student population, updating computer network capability and science labs, upgrading classroom computers and technology, and replacing, acquiring, constructing and renovating school facilities.

Green Bond Annual Reports

Each year, the District is required to post the status of Green Bond projects. Read the Green Bond Reports for information on our current Green Bond projects. 

Measure B (2008)

On June 3, 2008, voters in the Fremont Union High School District passed Measure B, a $198 million school bond to: construct and renovate classrooms and science labs, replace or modernize aging food service facilities, construct solar electricity systems, replace aging infrastructure, create a long term technology fund, modernize our tracks and fields and implement other long term facility improvements.