Measure CC Bond Program
In Nov. 2018, the voters passed Measure CC, a $275 million school bond, providing a secure and stable source of revenue to allow FUHSD to continue the work started under Measures B and K to build classrooms and modernize facilities at all five high school campuses. Between Measures B and K, we were able to build 127 new classrooms district-wide. The continuation of this modernization process under Measure CC has included necessary upgrades to infrastructure, with the goal of touching the remaining 400 classrooms that have not yet been updated at Cupertino, Fremont, Homestead, Lynbrook and Monta Vista high schools.
Modernization in each classroom has included new Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems, LED lighting replacement and ceiling tiles, fire alarms and sprinklers, a technology refresh, new furniture, painting and patching, roofing and flooring.
Green Bond Reports
Contact Information
Roger Silveira
Director of Facilities & Bond
(408) 522-2256
Christine Mallery
CBO/Associate Superintendent
(408) 522-2245
Faith Carrillo
Manager, Bond Operations
(408) 522-2233