Career Technical Education
Career Technical Education (CTE) courses provide students with the skills they need to be successful in their postsecondary education and future career. Each CTE class offers students the opportunities to explore careers in industries that are thriving in our region. In addition, students apply skills learned in their “core academic” classes, giving them the competitive advantage of moving beyond theory and into practice. Students often work in teams to come up with solutions to real-world problems and demonstrate their learning by designing, building, or implementing the idea or product. Students share what they learn through presentations (sometimes to industry representatives), competitions, or with their peers. CTE courses provide students with leadership opportunities in industry-related clubs, Career Technical Student Organizations such as Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) or DECA, and within the course itself.
Each school has its own “pathways” (sequence of courses designed to deepen students’ learning in a given industry sector). CTE classes that require unique facilities (e.g., Auto Tech, Culinary, Sports Medicine, etc.) are generally open to any FUHSD student if scheduling and space permits. Students who are interested in taking a CTE class at another campus should see their Guidance Counselor during course selection in the spring semester of each year.
FUHSD has also partnered with De Anza College on dozens of college courses. For more information, visit the De Anza College webpage on College Classes for FUHSD Students.
Contact Information
Trudy Gross
Associate Superintendent, Teaching and Learning
(408) 522-2203
CTE Pathway Documents
Get Involved
CTE Pathways
- Arts, Media & Entertainment
- Building & Construction Trades
- Business & Finance
- Engineering & Architecture
- Health Science & Medical Technology
- Hospitality, Tourism & Recreation
- Marketing, Sales and Service
- Public Services
- Transportation