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Board Meetings

The Board of Trustees encourages, listens to, and strongly values the input the public provides at Board meetings. The Board is interested in hearing from different individuals in order to hear an abundance of thoughtful perspectives that community members have to offer.

In concert with these values, the Board has adopted the following rules for public comment:

  • Individuals may use up to three minutes to present their individual perspective to the Board.
  • Sharing or donating time from one individual to another shall not be permitted so that the Board can hear from a wide array of people.
  • The maximum allowed time for the public to comment on any one agenda item is forty-five minutes. The Board President shall have the right to extend this time period upon consultation with the other Trustees.
  • If more than fifteen speakers request the opportunity to speak about a certain agenda item, the Board President shall retain the right to limit the time each speaker possesses to less than three minutes in order to allow more voices to be heard while still adhering to the forty-five minute maximum time period per agenda item.

Additional pertinent information:

  • If presenting written materials to the Board, please provide eight copies to the Board's Executive Assistant. Due to time concerns, PowerPoint and other audio-visual presentations are not permitted.
  • The District has procedures in place to address complaints. Therefore, complaints should be submitted to the Associate Superintendent of Administrative Services rather than through public comment.
  • Persons who unduly interrupt or interfere with the Board meeting will be asked to leave.

In order to speak to the Board during a meeting, the person requesting to speak should complete a 'Public Participation at Board Meetings' card and submit the card to the staff member(s) that are collecting the cards at the meeting.

Board meeting agendas will be posted at least seventy-two hours before the scheduled meeting and Board meeting minutes are posted after they are approved. Please use the Board Meeting Portal for agenda packets, individual agenda items and minutes.

The FUHSD Board Governance Handbook contains additional information on the core values and roles and responsibilities of the Board of Trustees, along with information on Board Meeting management and protocols.